(Page numbers from 1888 Green Book in [square brackets].)
Andrew Shriver, Union Mills, Md.
Born November 7th, 1762. Died September 20th, 1847, aged 84 years, 10 months, 13 days. December 31st, 1786 — married Elizabeth Shultz. Born August 15th, 1766. Died September 27th, 1839, aged 73 years, 1 month, 12 days.
Andrew Shriver, the eldest son of David Shriver, Sr., was born at the Homestead, Little Pipe Creek, Maryland. As in the case of his father, much devolved upon him as an assistant in the business at the home plantation. His father was careful to provide for him an education such as the times and his means afforded. Thus he was enabled to gain practical knowledge of affairs through his father’s judicious training. He was fortunate in the choice of a helpmate in the person of Elizabeth Shultz.
After his marriage Andrew Shriver resided, for several years, at the home of his father, Little Pipe Creek, where his first two children were born. He then removed to Littlestown, Penn., and engaged in business. In or about 1800 he purchased an estate lying on Big Pipe Creek, Frederick County — now Carroll — Md., to which he removed and gave the name of “Union Mills.” At the time of purchase the improvements were a log grist mill and a primitive log house. He was joined in this enterprise by his brother, David Shriver. The log mill was replaced by a substantial brick one, which, remodeled, is still doing good service. A saw mill was attached to the waterpower of the mill; also, for a time, a wool-carding factory. These industries, together with the tannery which was on the place, a store for the sale of merchandise, and the tillage of the land, gave full scope to the enterprise and energy of the family. The house, in which they temporarily resided, received additions as the necessities of the growing household required, and, finally, a commodious [48] mansion occupied the site, surrounded by outbuildings, gardens, orchards, etc.
The Reisterstown Turnpike, about this time, was projected, and David Shriver relinquished the business interests at Union Mills to accept the appointment of Superintendent of the location and construction of the road. This proved a matter of importance, for the turnpike, as located, passed through the property at Union Mills, giving additional impetus to business there. For many years the travel on this thoroughfare was most extensive. “Pitt wagons,” as they were called, drawn by, six stalwart horses, heavily laden with merchandise and emigrants, passed to and fro between Baltimore and Pittsburgh; the daily passing of stage coaches, carrying the United States mails and passengers, also gave interest and animation to the scene.
Andrew Shriver was in early life called upon to take part in the public affairs of the neighborhood and state; he was appointed a justice of the Peace, a position in those days of considerable importance, which office he held till. near the close of his life. He was literally a peace-maker in the best sense of the word. Politically he had been schooled by his father in the principles of the Whig or Revolutionary party, which had for its object the maintenance of the rights of the people. Afterward, he became identified, in turn, with the Jeffersonian Republican, and Democratic parties. His influence in directing popular sentiment was considerable, and be was frequently called upon to address the people in advocacy of Republican principles and policies. In the latter years of his life he eschewed politics, and devoted himself to the interests of his home and family. At the time of his death, which occurred at his home, attended by his numerous family, the press gave the following notice of the event:
“Few men are to be found whose relations in life have been so well fulfilled. As the affectionate bead of a numerous family, his constant aim was to instill into the minds of his children principles of strict integrity and morality, and he had the consolation of knowing [49] that the seeds of his instruction had been planted in a genial soil and have yielded abundant fruitage. So, also, as to his duties as a citizen. Endowed by nature with a strong mind, the energy of his character, and the circumstances in which he was reared, led him to overcome the disadvantages of an, imperfect preliminary education, and caused him to occupy, in the section of country in which he lived, the position of a prominent and useful member of society.
“He was a participant, in early life, in many of the exciting scenes attending the Revolutionary War, and, in subsequent life, he was favored, as a citizen, with the confidence of many high public functionaries, among whom were several of the presidents of the United States.
His influence among his neighbors has been unlimited, and the respect entertained for him was unbounded. This originated in the interest he took in their affairs, and the advantage they derived from his sage counsel. Many are the instances in which inveterate family quarrels, and other disputes, have been referred to and settled by his decision, that otherwise might never have been healed, and have ended in disastrous law suits.
“Habits of extreme temperance confirmed the natural strength of his constitution, and imparted to him a physical vigor always remarkable, but particularly so during the latter portion of his life, when, at the age of four score years, he displayed the activity and vivacity of youth. His inclination to sociability was marked, and his intelligence, and uncommon conversational powers imparted to his intercourse with others a high degree of interest.
“His homestead, which he founded and greatly embellished, was, for many years, the seat of hospitality and social enjoyment.
“This is a very brief outline of a man who exemplified in his career many virtues, and whose last days were attended with the usual consequences of such a life — the affection and reverence of a numerous and reputable progeny, and the esteem of all his acquaintances.”
[50 — see Errata, and also Appendix I]
ELIZABETH SHRIVER, Wife of Andrew Shriver, was born at Baltimore were she resided until her marriage. Her father, John Shultz, was of German extraction, but there is nothing known of his history prior to his coming to this country. He was a leather merchant, and respectable citizen of Baltimore, and was among those, who, at the time, largely represented the wealth of the municipality in taxable property. His residence was on German Street (south side) west of Liberty, where it may still be seen.
Three daughters of John Shultz, sisters of Elizabeth Shriver, were married to citizens of Baltimore. Susan married Jacob Kurtz, Christiana, John Krems, and Catharine married Joseph Clemm, who, with their descendants, resided and were favorably known in Baltimore.
John Clemm, a son of Joseph, lost his life in defence of the city, war 1812-14. His name is among those enrolled on the “Battle Monument.”
The late judge Nelson Poe, and the famed poet, Edgar Allen Poe, were connected with the Clemms; the latter married his cousin, Virginia Clemm.
Elizabeth Shriver, throughout her life, was the efficient partner and counsellor in her husband’s plans and efforts for the advancement of the family. She was ardently attached to her children and friends, ever diligent in the discharge of domestic duties, having special regard to the comforts of her home; her endeavors were crowned with success, as, it was ever the attractive spot to which the absent members of the family turned their thoughts and steps with delight.
She was a member — as were her husband and children — of the Reformed Church, and a regular attendant upon the services of the Silver Run Church in the neighborhood. The inculcation of religious principles in the minds of her children, both by precept and example, was blessed by God, and tire fruit thereof is still seen in the lives of her descendants, for, as God hath promised, “the righteous shall be blessed in their generations.”
[51 — see Errata.]
The following well merited tribute to her memory appeared at the time of her decease:
“Beloved by her friends, respected and esteemed by her acquaintances, this amiable lady has finished her course, closing her lengthened pilgrimage under the same roof which, for near half a century, afforded shelter to a family circle rendered happy by her cheerful good nature, and to a domestic board which derived new attraction from her hospitable kindness. ‘She leaves a numerous list of relatives and descendants to cherish her memory and emulate her virtues.’ Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. They depart hence, and their works do follow them.”
Children of Andrew Shriver and Elizabeth, his wife: John Shultz, Thomas, Rebecca Ferree, Matilda, James, William, Andrew Keiser, Anna Maria Susanna, Joseph and Catharine Clemm.