(Page numbers from 1888 Green Book in [square brackets].)
Anna Maria Susanna Shriver
Marriage to William Tell Steiger | Home at Washington |
Mr. Steiger’s Second Marriage |
Children with their Connections | Genealogical Records
ANNA MARIA S. SHRIVER, the fourth daughter of Andrew Shriver, was born at Union Mills. She was baptized by the Rev. Daniel Waggoner; sponsors, her father and mother. She was married to Wm. T. Steiger, a merchant of Baltimore. Several years after their marriage they moved to Washington city, where Mr. Steiger had been appointed to an office.
She was a lady of genial disposition, of more than common culture and intelligence, and the life of the social circle in which she moved. Her death, in the prime of life, was much deplored by relatives and friends, and was noticed ht the time by the press as follows: “Few persons ever possessed, in a more eminent degree those qualities which impart a charm and attraction to the domestic circle, or who, in social intercourse, contributed more to the enjoyment of their associates. In all the relations of life her deportment was most exemplary, and her kindness of heart, and many virtues, made her the object of the warmest affection. One of the bright spots in her career is that connected with her religious opinions and feelings, and her state of mind previous to and at her death, was such as to leave no doubt that her Christian faith gave her all the consolation she had anticipated.”
Mr. Steiger was well qualified by native intelligence, culture, and congeniality of temperament, to contribute to the enjoyment of the social and domestic circle over which his wife so agreeably presided.
Some time after his wife’s death he contracted a second marriage with Hannah Van Patten, of Schenectady, N. Y. Miss Van Patten had been an intimate acquaintance of Mrs. Steiger, and since her marriage has well maintained the relation of mother to the children, of her friend. She finds time, in addition to her ‘domestic duties, to edit the “Home Department” of the American Farmer. Mr. Steiger, though at the advanced age of eighty-seven years, continues in the enjoyment of a good degree of mental and physical vigor. His ancestors were among the early settlers of Baltimore town. Andrew Steiger, his grand-father, was the original proprietor of the Jones’s Falls “Meadows,” and, it is probable, he was the person of that name mentioned by Judge Shriver who employed David Shriver at an early period in his store at Conewago.
In response to a recent request for information Mr. Steiger states, that he was invited by his old preceptor, Dr. John D. Craig, who, at the time, was head of the Patent Office, to accept a position under him — salary $800 — and that he reported for duty December 1st, 1833.
There were, he says, at that time, but six employees in the Patent Office, including the chief officer who was called the Superintendent, instead of Commissioner as now. He remained in the office until 1835, when, through his personal friend, Francis S. Key, author of the “Star Spangled Banner,” he received the appointment of Principal Draughtsman in the General Laud Office — salary $1,150.
In 1836 he was appointed by President Jackson, Principal Clerk of Surveys in the General Laud Office — salary $1,800 In 1850 a special office of Surveying Clerk was organized, to which he was promoted — salary $2,000.
In 1857 he resigned this office to take charge of land grants of railroads, agricultural schools, etc., which business he conducted oil his own account, making, in all, fifty-two years of service in Washington.
There were four children as the fruit of the first marriage, viz., Catharine Brengle, Benjamin Franklin, Emma Maria, and Augusta Ferree.
CATHARINE B. STEIGER married E. K. Wilson, of Washington. She died, leaving no descendants.
BENJAMIN F. STEIGER married Martha L. Young. He is of the firm of Steiger and Lieberman, Real Estate Brokers, Washington, D.C.
EMMA MARIA STEIGER married Robert Sadler, of Washington. She died, leaving several children.
AUGUSTA FERREE STEIGER married Henry Lovejoy, attorney-at-law, Washington, practicing at the time at that bar, and subsequently, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; where he died, and where his widow and children still reside.
There were seven children by the second marriage, viz., William Tell, Mary Louise, Hannah Elizabeth, Andrew Milton, Walter Henry, Horace Riley, and Margaret, all of whom are living.
WALTER HENRY STEIGER married Grace H. Nye.