(Page numbers from 1888 Green Book in [square brackets].)
Andrew Shriver, Senior and Junior, Conewago, Pa.
Children with their Connections and Descendants |
Genealogical Records
As has been stated — Chapter I — Andrew Shriver, Sr., the founder of the Conewago, Pa., family, was the father of seven children. DAVID SHRIVER, the eldest son, his children, with their connections, and descendants, have been noticed consecutively in the preceding chapters.
VERONICA SHRIVER, the eldest daughter of Andrew Shriver, Sr., was married to Henry Koontz. They resided in the neighborhood of Silver Run, Carroll Co., Md., and, as stated in the narrative by judge Shriver, reared a large family, the records of which are wanting.
The tomb stones, which mark their graves, in the Silver Run Church burial ground are found to be in a good state of preservation, and bear the following inscriptions:
“Heinrich Kunz, geboren den 14, Dezember 1729. Gestorben den 30, Mai 1800, im Alter von 71 Jahren, 5 Monate, 2 Wochen unt 2 Tage.
“Jetzt bin ich frei von Kreuz und Leiden,
“Was mir mein Gott hier hat bescheiden.
“Nun wischt er mir die Tharenen ab;
“Mein Leib schlaeft sanft hier im dem Grab.”
“From the cares and sorrows now I’m free,
“Which God had decreed my lot should be.
“My tears He now gently wipes away,
“While in the grave rests my form of clay.”
“Hier ruhet in dem Herrn, Veronica Kunz, eine geborene Schreiber, geboren den 15ten September Anno 1737. Gestorben den 1sten Juni 1805, im Alter von 68 Jahren und 4 Monate.”
—-? SHRIVER, (probably Esther) the second daughter in the order named, was married to George Koontz, who was, likely, a brother of Henry Koontz, the husband of her sister Veronica. It is stated in the narrative by Judge Shriver, that she died early, leaving three or four children. Their records, as in the case of Henry Koontz’s family, are wanting. H. Wirt Shriver, Union Mills, states that he had an interview (August, 1888) with George Koontz, of Silver Run neighborhood, the oldest living member of the Koontz family. Mr. Koontz informed him that his father’s name was George, and he thought his grand-father’s name was also George; but there were no records in his possession, and he did not remember the name of his grand-mother. An examination by Mr. Shriver, of the Silver Run church (old German book) records, showed that at the first baptism therein recorded, George Koontz and his wife Esther were the sponsors. This would seem to justify the conclusion that Esther Koontz was the daughter of Andrew Shriver, Sr., whose christian name is in question.
ANNA MARIA SHRIVER, the third daughter of Andrew Shriver, Sr., of Conewago, was married to John Kilzmiller, or Kitzmiller, of the Conewago settlement. They, in the narrative by judge Shriver, were accredited with a large family. Some of the descendants of the family still reside in the vicinity of the old Conewago settlement, but, upon inquiry, it was found that they were not in possession of the early family records, and could give no information of their ancestors.
ELIZABETH SHRIVER, the fourth daughter of Andrew Shriver, Sr., of Conewago, was born 1748; died 1819; was married to Jacob Will, of the Conewago settlement, who was born 1738; died 1812. There were four children, viz.: Andrew, David, George and Mary. Andrew Will was married to the Widow Clemens nee McSherry, a relative of the Littlestown family of that name. David was unmarried. George married and resided at Littlestown. Mary Will married Adam Rupert, of Hanover, Pa. They had several children, the eldest daughter, Anna Eva, was married to Jacob Shriver, son of David Shriver, Sr., of Little Pipe Creek, Md., where their descendants still reside.
ANDREW SHRIVER, second son of Andrew Shriver, Sr., of Conewago, was married to Magdalena Maus. He remained with his father, and, at his father’s death, retained possession of the homestead. They had nine children, viz.: Jacob, Ludwig, David, Andrew, John, Henry, Samuel, Elizabeth and Rachel.
JACOB SHRIVER, the eldest son, was engaged in merchandizing, for some time, at Frederick, Md. Subsequently, he retired from business, and resided at Littlestown, Pa., until the close of his life. He was unmarried.
LUDWIG SHRIVER, the second son — no information.
DAVID SHRIVER, the third son, married Sarah Snyder, and resided at Littlestown. He was a man of intelligence; an amateur skilled in the use of the sculptor’s chisel and hammer. Some of the tomb stones of the family, at Christ Church burial ground, were devised and executed by his artistic hand. He died, leaving a widow but no descendants; his widow married David Schwartz.
ANDREW SHRIVER, the fourth son of Andrew Shriver, Jr., of Conewago, was married to a lady of Frederick, Md., where, it is supposed, he closed his life.
HENRY SHRIVER, the fifth son, was married to Lydia, daughter of John Swope, of Hanover, Pa. He was engaged during the greater part of his life in mercantile business at Littlestown, Pa. On retiring from business (1853) he moved to Hanover, where he resided until his death in 1879, at the advanced age of ninety-two years. He was a man of upright character, a member of the Reformed Church, and a highly respected and useful citizen. As in the case of his father’s family, there were nine children, viz.: Louisa C., George A., Ellen M., Mary, Ann. E., John A., Henry D., Calvin S., and Emma J., all born at Littlestown.
LOUISA C. SHRIVER, the eldest daughter of Henry Shriver, married Jacob Grove, of Hanover, where she (in widowhood) still resides. They, also, had nine children. (See records.) Their son, Dr. David B. Grove, is a prominent physician residing and practicing in Hanover.
GEORGE A. SHRIVER, the eldest son of Henry Shriver, was unmarried. He died, in early manhood, in Philadelphia.
ELLEN M. SHRIVER, the second daughter, married Alfred George; son of Stephen, of Baltimore. Mrs. George survived her husband, and resides at Hanover. They had eight children. (See records.)
MARY SHRIVER, the third daughter of Henry Shriver, married the Rev. T. H. Switzer, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Her husband died at Phillipsburg, Centre county, Pa., where she maintains her home with her children.
ANN E. SHRIVER, the fourth daughter of Henry Shriver, married Edgar Slagle, of Hanover, Pa, where they reside. Calvin S. Slagle, their son, was graduated from Franklin and Marshall College. He, subsequently, entered the ministry of the Reformed Church, and has charge, at present, of the church at Westminster, Md. He married Katharine, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Apple, D. D. LL. D., President of Franklin and Marshall College, Pa.
JOHN A. SHRIVER, second son of Henry Shriver, died in Baltimore — unmarried.
HENRY D. SHRIVER, third son, married Mary C., daughter of Ferree Hoover, of Lancaster county, Pa. Residence, Hanover.
CALVIN S. SHRIVER, the fourth son of Henry Shriver, married M. Angelia, daughter of J. C. Nicodemus, of Baltimore. He was engaged in the wholesale boot and shoe trade, Baltimore, retiring in 1877. He is, at present, the Vice-President of the Maryland Savings Bank, of Baltimore. He has one son, Harry C. Shriver.
EMMA J. SHRIVER, the fifth and youngest daughter of Henry Shriver, married C. Emory Wirt, son of William Wirt, of Hanover, Pa. Her husband died in 1866. She, afterward, married Caleb Guyer, of Tyrone, Pa., where they reside. Several children. (See records.)
JOHN SHRIVER, the sixth son of Andrew Shriver, Jr., of Conewago, was married to Mary Carpenter, of Lancaster county, Pa. (See records.)
SAMUEL SHRIVER, the seventh and youngest son of Andrew Shriver, Jr., was thrice married. He resided, in latter years, at Askaloosa, Iowa, where he died. (See records.)
ELIZABETH SHRIVER, the eldest daughter of Andrew Shriver, Jr., of Conewago, was born 1790. She was twice married. First married, 1812, John Brothers, of Littlestown, Pa., who died in 1823. Afterward, married, 1831, John McIlvain, of the same place. She reared a large family. (See records.) She is still living at her old home, Littlestown, having, recently (October 4, 1888); reached the ninety ninth year of her age. She retains recollections, as customary with the aged, of her early days, and has been serviceable in furnishing information concerning the family at Conewago.
RACHEL SHRIVER, the second and youngest daughter of Andrew Shriver, Jr., of Conewago, was also twice married. She was first married to Daniel Hostetter, of Hanover, Pa., and sometime after his death was married to his brother William. She attained the age of ninety-two years. Their home, in later years, was at New Lisbon, Ohio, where some of the aged members of the family still reside. There were eight children. (See records.)
JACOB SHRIVER, the third and youngest son of Andrew Shriver, Sr., of Conewago, according to the narrative by Judge Shriver, was married and had one son who died early, and his father shortly after, leaving no descendants.
This closes the history of the Conewago families, in their several branches and connections. It is noticeable, and something remarkable, that the growth of the family at Conewago in the lineage of Andrew Shriver, Jr., and his descendants, is almost wholly in the daughters’ connections, few of the Shriver name being found in the records annexed to this narrative, only five survivors appearing of the name.
The old Homestead of the family, at Conewago, years ago, owing to the division of the estate among the heirs, passed into other hands. It was owned and occupied in 1847 by George Baschoar, and continues to be a valuable property.