Front Matter


Excerpts from the two “Green Books” of Shriver history (originally published in 1888; abridged, expanded, and revised in 1976) will be added as time permits.

(Page numbers from 1888 Green Book in [square brackets].)

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This brief history of the Shriver family is respectfully and affectionately dedicated to the members thereof, in the hope that the exemplary conduct of the Fathers and Mothers, in each successive generation, as herein noted, may be of salutary influence in shaping the character and destiny of their descendants, in view of the fact that, though, at the outset, of humble station, yet the course pursued by them of strict integrity, industry, and economy; was the guarantee of advancement in respectability, honor­able distinction and usefulness among men.


Part first of these annals of the Shriver family is the narrative (slightly abridged) prepared, 1826, by Judge Abraham Shriver for his immediate family. The desire to secure the preservation, in good form, and transmission of this valuable document, for the future service of the family, was the main incentive in the compilation and publication of this volume.

The original, record, as will be noticed, gives the German name Schreiber which, by usage, was changed to Schriver and Shriver, the latter being that adopted by the descendants of David Shriver, senior, the patriarch of the Maryland family, and is so used in this history. Others who are lineal descendants of the Conewago family, in Pennsylvania, write the name Schriver.

The name Schreiber signifies writer, a notable characteristic of the family.

The aim has been, in the present compilation, to secure authentic data through the representative members of the several branches of the family. In this connection thanks are due General Edward Shriver, J. Alex. Shriver and Calvin S. Shriver, of Baltimore; Peter Forney, Hanover; Dr. Fairfax Schley, of Frederick; Commodore W. S. Schley and D. Shriver Stewart, of Washington; Francis Shriver, of Westminster, and others, who have kindly responded to the request for information. In some instances it was impossible to obtain the desired information, and the brevity noticed in parts of the history, and the meagerness of the records are due to this fact. The hope is indulged, nevertheless, that the work, though imperfect, may avail to maintain an interest in the family lineage for generations to come, and, also, tend in some slight degree to perpetuate the cordial relations which have ever characterized the   [8]   family in all its branches. “God setteth the solitary in families,” that the members may be mutually interested and concerned in the promotion of the common weal. Nor should the “departed” be forgotten, for, as has been remarked, “It is no waste of time or money to perpetuate by suitable memories the influence of lives that were good and great. Without inspiration from the past it is barely possible for men to touch in character or achievement the level they might otherwise reach.” While we should not live upon the “glory of our ancestors,” it is well to cherish their history and antecedents as an incentive to progress.

The narratives accompanying the records have been necessarily restricted to brevities. Much of interest in detail has been omitted so as not to exceed the prescribed limits.

It should be borne in mind, when reference is made to current events, that these pages were prepared for press during the summer and fall of the present year, 1888.

Our friend, Lawrence B. Kemp, has kindly given attention to the pecuniary interests of the publication, and to him, and to those friends who have generously encouraged the work, special thanks are tendered.

Baltimore, November, 1888.