Derek Ogden, millwright and engineer, in 1981, working on the mill wheel restoration. Here, Mr. Ogden is making the trestle frame which supports the flume and water supply from lead race to the water wheel.
(From Summer 1981 Newsletter.)
A note was received from Derek Ogden, millwright and engineer, telling us of the progress on the workings of the waterwheel and framing. The tremendous white oak beams are air drying at his place of business in Surry County, Virginia and Mr. Ogden is building the husk frame at the present time. He hopes to deliver the husk frame by the end of September when it will be erected, ready for the machinery and waterwheel next year. Work is continuing on the back of the Mill with the stone wall being built at this time.

Derek Ogden making trestles for supporting the flume, 1981. Mr. Ogden completed much of the restored wheel work at his home in Surry County, VA, before moving the mill parts to the final location for installation.