COVID-19 Forces Corn Roast Cancellation
The Union Mills Homestead Foundation and the Silver Run-Union Mills Lions Club were preparing this year for the 50th Annual Corn Roast Festival, which was scheduled to be held on Saturday, August 1, 2020. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic intervened. After long discussions about what to do, the two organizations agreed cancellation was the best course of action for everyone involved. The decision turned out to be the right one, as State and local officials are now urging cancellation of all large public events.
Long-Time, Popular Local Event

Corn roasting on specially-made roasters at the Union Mills Homestead.
The Corn Roast Festival has been a popular event for the last 50 years, jointly sponsored by the Union Mills Homestead and the Lions Club.
Volunteers start early on the day of the festival, deliciously roasting the corn in the husks on specially-constructed roasters. Admission to the Corn Roast includes a serving of fried chicken, applesauce, sliced tomatoes, roll and butter, iced tea or lemonade, and all the roasted corn you can eat. Guests take plates of food to picnic tables on the Homestead’s historic grounds where platters of roasted corn are delivered by volunteer servers. Hundreds of dozens of freshly-harvested corn are eaten at the event each year!
Event Patterned After 19th Century Picnics

Guests crowding around picnic tables, enjoying a meal of roasted corn at the Corn Roast in 2014.
An outdoors event in the tradition of picnics and “frolics” held at the site in times gone by, families have been coming back to the Corn Roast for generations. Many of the event volunteers first came to the Corn Roast as children years before. For others the Corn Roast is a family reunion. Although we will be sad to not be hosting the event this year, we are most concerned for ensuring the health of all our staff, volunteers, and visitors.
The Union Mills Homestead and the Silver Run-Union Mills Lions club already are planning for next year, which will be a 50th anniversary celebration for the event. We look forward to seeing you the first Saturday in August in 2021!